Leipert Plumbing now offers financing through Financeit Financing on all qualified new installations. Get your new equipment installed now rather than later with convenient payment options. Conditions and credit approval required.
If you prefer to pay now, convenient credit card or debit payment options on-site means you'll never have to worry about those bill pile-ups. Your on-site technician has the technology on-hand to process those payments right away.
For that unexpected emergency replacement or equipment upgrade, ask about FINANCEIT Home Financing. Financeit provides a wide variety of financing options!
Interac and E-Transfer
For your convenience our technicians accept debit on-site upon completion of a job. We also accept e-transfer to: larry@leipertplumbing.com
For your convenience our technicians accept VISA payments on-site upon completion of a job
For your convenience our technicians accept MasterCard on-site upon completion of a job.